Navigating A Wrongful Death Insurance Claim

Navigating A Wrongful Death Insurance Claim

Car accidents occur every day in the United States, with other 3000 accidents occurring yearly. That is a scary number, and you do not want to become a part of a statistic. Car accidents often end up in a person being fatally injured and succumbing to their injuries after a while. When a person dies due to the negligence of another party, it can trigger frustration and anger. 

If you have lost a loved one due to someone else’s mistake, you should know how to navigate a wrongful death claim. It helps to know the details, such as who can file and how much time you have until the deadline. Consult with a wrongful death lawyer to understand the legalities and explore your legal options. 

Things to consider when navigating a wrongful death insurance claim 

  1. The insurance company will try to settle to save money. 

Remember that the insurance company is looking out for their welfare before yours. They may use kind words with you but will try to trick you into accepting a lowball settlement. 

  1. You are entitled to more money than you think. 

The average person does not realize how much compensation they are worth unless they consult with an attorney. While medical damages and lost wages are important, they are not the only damages you can recover. 

  1. You do not need to pay attorney fees before you receive the payout. 

Most victims are hesitant to hire an attorney because of the attorney fees. However, many car accident and wrongful death attorneys provide a contingency fee agreement where you only need to pay them if they are successful in bringing you compensation. Usually, they charge a certain percentage of the settlement. 

Mistakes are usually made while navigating a wrongful death claim 

  1. Telling the insurance adjuster that you are experiencing financial difficulties. 

Many people think telling the insurance adjuster they are experiencing financial difficulties will make them sympathetic to their plight and offer a good amount. However, the insurer may instead end up using this information to make you accept a low offer, thinking you are desperate to settle. 

  1. Not working with a forensic economist. 

Most people who do not hire an attorney do not realize the importance of working with a forensic economist. Determining future lost income can be complex since one needs to estimate the potential number of years he or she was expected to work. Moreover, the value of money keeps changing due to inflation and other factors. Not considering these factors can result in a loss of thousands of dollars. 

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